Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Giuliani Struck by Lightning

Click to view video.

This is just about the only interesting thing that happened in last night's GOP debate. Mother nature took aim at Rudy Giuliani a total of four times, while he tried to answer a question about abortion.

(tee hee hee hee heeee!)


Lydia said...

couldn't happen to a nicer guy. damn republicans. what a scary group of people all assembled on one stage. that CANNOT be the future of our country there. bastards.

finding the filth said...

seriously... i already had to deal with giuliani for 8 years in manhattan. and he ruined all the things i loved about my hometown. it's becoming increasingly impossible for low and middle-income households to survive here. small businesses have been forced out in favor of corporations. and subsidized housing is being turned into luxury condos. it's disgusting what has happened here, solely due to guiliani's policies.

and now he has the audacity to capitalize on the tragedy of 9/11! there is a place in hell for rudy.