Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tomboy - "It's Okay to Be Gay"

This is dedicated to Republican Senator Larry Craig, Republican Senator Mark Foley, Republican state legislator Bob Allen, Republican Reverend Ted Haggard, and all those other lunatic closet queens out there tonight.

I hope that someday soon you all find the courage to be who you are, instead of acting like a bunch of disgusting hypocritical, homophobic, self-hating, bible-thumping, criminal, low-life bastards, who give honest proud gay people a bad name. It is time to get your dirty skank asses off the down low and face up to your shit.

You're here. You're queer. Get used to it!


Unknown said...

I have been inspired by the Senator from Idaho and his unfailing honesty and truthfullness. It has led me to create a Larry Craig Video site.

finding the filth said...

oh my god - i fucking LOVE IT!!!!